Thursday, 12 May 2016

Current project overview

As some of my dear readers might have noticed, my update-frequency has become a bit erratic, but this is (honestly) down to a distinct rise in project-related work in the workshop.

So here comes a little overview, which I actually wanted to post yesterday, of what I am working on at the moment

1) The turbo TR1. I have been waiting for 3 "§=$)§$=)( weeks for the last missing parts, namely the VM44-carb in order to fire it up, yet still lots of small niggly stuff to do, but unfortunately of the kind that does not warrant a blog entry.

2) The everyday TR1. Fixing up stripped threads and thousands of small bits, e.g. like fitting new fork gaiters, new tyres, general maintenance, etc...

3) Ms. Braaaap my XT500. Resurrected from the dead (update tomorrow) and found lots of things that needed my attention

4) The XS400 to 450 to 500 project. I am building a GENUINE 450cc XS400 engine that can be bored to close to 500cc, once it has proven it's worthy of a set of new pistons. This project has progressed quite far, but I really, really have to go through not literally, but actually hundreds of photos.

5) Andi's XV750 cafe racer. The bike of which you've seen the fork swap earlier now gets a full make over and it's going to be bitchin' awesome.

6) Doing work on my dad's XT500 (4-valve), which he picked up very cheap and is his supposed to be his new grocery-getter for the elusive pack of frozen peas. But there was a reason, why it was as cheap as it was, but we're getting there.

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