Saturday, 11 June 2016

The XV750 CafeRacerProject: The fuel tank

So my friend Andi has asked me to help him with his XV750 CafeRacerProject and wave my magic blue-glue stick over some of the parts on the bike.

Now if there's one thing that has become a bit of an ugly stereotype with Virago caferacers, it has to be the Benelli Mojave tank. Luckily Andi has shown some taste and decided to alter the stock XV750 fuel tank.

The first step was to remove the rear lip and then weld in a plate to raise the back of the fuel tank.

 Bit of grinding later

 The tank mount is a generic Chinese (AliExpress) item, but it looks pretty awesome.

And that's the mount on the frame.

And while we were at it, I quickly knocked up a mount for the K&N airfilter.

(No worries, this one of the projects I am working on at the moment, so there's more to come...)


  1. Looks great! Where did you find that "generic item mount" ??

    1. I didn't. Andy got it, but he told me it was via AliExpress.

  2. I see. Been trying to find similiar. But so far no luck. Working on the exact same tank so if Andy remembers the magic search word for it on Aliexpress, that would be awesome :)
