Sunday, 21 November 2021

The XS Triple Sidecar - unplanned maintenance

To be fair to the old girl right away, it was only unplanned, because I had originally expected to get through this Winter on the new sidecar. (Regardless of whether we're talking about the SR500 or the XV-sidecar.)

I checked the valves last year and the inlets were a bit on the tight side (I thought), but the exhaust valves, aside from the center cylinder one, were "about there". How wrong I was. For some weird reason I was absolutely convinced that on an Yamaha XS Triple, you run the common-place 0.10/0.15mm valve lash. For some reason today I decided to have a look into the book of lies and lo and behold it said 0.20/0.25mm, some frantic checking and rechecking of various resources on the net confirmed the finding and as a result making the notes below even more concerning.

How to read the chart, I and E stand for inlet and exhaust, the bottom number is the shim thickness installed, the number above is the initial valve clearance and the top value the valve clearance after the shim swap. Now I am in possession of a lovely box full of shims, but if you're not and check your valves, you go back to this handy chart and then can work out which shims to order.

So I rolled the old girl into the workshop, removed the fuel tank and got crackin'.

The big trick on an XS-Triple, you have to remove the camchain-tensioner, which usually ruins the paper gasket, but if you lubed that gasket up like this is part of some kinky massage-thingy, see below. 

Also when re-installing the tensioner, use the lock-bolt on the side to lock it into the rear-most position for easier installation.

With everything assembled and the sun slowly setting on the old girl, just one question remains:

Why hasn't anyone snatched this beauty up yet?

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