Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Project Pickle - paint primer party. It's my party I can cry, if I want to... (part 9.2)

 I'll be honest, I thought I was on a bit of a roll. The metal content of the body was nearing the factory fresh state, everything had come apart without excessive drama and disassembly didn't reveal any new drama. It's a warm afternoon in late September and the car is stripped down as far as it has to.

It was going too well. I was planning to play it safe, whilst I was aware that the paint I used on the Lada wasn't exactly perfect, it was cheap, relatively elastic and last time it was easy enough to use.

There were just two deviations from last time: I used a spray gun and I followed my notes from the Lada whilst someone at the paint manufacturer had changed the recipe, resulting in the primer now being ready for spray paint and not set up to be rolled on thus being much thinner viscosity.

Also it reacted with whatever it was that the previous guy spray (generously) over the lower sections of the interior.

At this point there's two ways of tackling the situation: the correct (professional) way or my way. Get out a set of rollers, push the car into the sun to get the metal to heat up a bit (would probably have been more effective, if I had gone with a darker primer) and roll on the primer nicely thick. Remember: in case of doubt you can always call it art or some kind of statement.

The good thing about September? There's plenty of sun,nice temperatures and with a bit of wind, which means you don't get much more than a quick snack between coats...

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